The Chicken or the Cart?

The sermon below was delivered to the First Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Bay in San Diego, California on October 12, 2014.  The sermon is based on the monthly theme of “chaos.”

The title of this sermon actually comes from my experience of receiving text messages from people that are either illogical or partial…because they were written when someone was distracted.  It is a combination of the two expressions “Which came first the chicken or the egg” and “Putting the cart before the horse.”  As a culture, we are in a state of perpetual multi-tasking.

But what does multi-tasking say about us spiritually?  Does our tendency toward wanting to have multiple focuses have any important lessons for us as we try to embrace a truly multi-cultural spiritual world?

Also, check out this article in Bloomberg Business week…surprisingly spiritual for a business journal! (Continuous Partial Attention – Not the Same as Multi-Tasking) I think Linda Stone gets at the core of where I’m going.

